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Scrapbook Workshop: A New Album for a New Person’s Year

Baby Milestones February Page

The February 9th workshop at Happy Bambino has been canceled–but keep your eye here fo r future opportunities to sign up for a Baby Milestones workshop!

In just a week or so, I’ll be teaching my first class at Happy Bambino! If you have never visited their store or their site, do so as soon as you can! I’m really glad to be getting involved with such a wonderful neighborhood resource.

It will be a workshop for new moms, new-mom-again moms, and those who know new moms to put together a Baby Milestones Album, twenty-eight pages (twelve calendar-layouts, fourteen of your own layouts, and a double-page birthday spread) designed to help parents “catch” the events of their child’s first year. I want to help give my workshop clients the chance to express and preserve their experiences of childbirth and parenting, using the story-telling tools of journaling and scrapbooks. When the moments happen, the album will be there!

The Happy Bambino Baby Milestones Workshop will take place on February 9th from 1:00-4:00 p.m. at Happy Bambino in Madison. The cost is $49 until January 31st. Workshop participants need to bring a refillable 12×12 scrapbook album with them to class. I’ll provide stickers, paper, calendar mats, and other materials. For those that prefer not to bring their own, albums are available for purchase from my CM Website or on the day of the class for $30.

Register on line at www.happybambino.com, and please leave a comment here if you have any questions!

Baby Milestones Birthday Page